Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Best of times, worst of times

Be happy with those who are happy, and weep with those who weep.
Romans 12:15

This week has been full of happiness and sadness.  You might say it was the best of times and the worst of times.

My mom's 80th birthday was Monday.  On Sunday night, we surprised her with cupcakes at her church's Thanksgiving dinner.  She was shocked!  It was great to be back in the church where my parents were married, and my Michael and I were married.  Both of our daughters were dedicated in this church. We saw old friends and shared precious memories.  What a fun night.

It was wonderful to be back at work this week.  Being on campus, the familiarity of walking down the hall, spending the day with colleagues- these things warm my heart.  

My happy mood was changed by some sad news.  One of my colleagues, Dr. Dan Musselman, passed away after a year and a half battle with cancer.  Dan was a beloved member of the faculty at Union.  He served as chair of the music department, and was only 38.  Please pray for Dan's wife and their 3 young daughters.  You can read about Dan and his courageous battle  here .

Across our world, many tragic events occurred this week.  Shootings, wild fires, and food poisoning are just a few.  We mourn with our brothers and sisters who are victims of these horrific events, but we have hope that is only found in Christ.  We can be happy when our friends are experiencing wonderful moments such as the birth of twin grand babies, and weep with our friends who are mourning the loss of loved ones. 

The news from Vanderbilt was not exactly what I thought it would be.  The opinion of the committee is that I should be added to the list if some further testing is normal.  On Monday I will return to Vanderbilt for two tests -MIP and  MEP- doesn't that sound fun?  MIP and MEP.  That is exactly the way the nurse said it.  I had never heard of these tests, and thankfully they are just quick breathing tests to measure the strength of my respiratory muscles.  

Our new dog Henry has been acclimating to his new home well. Our daughter Chelsea and our grand dog Willie came home today.  We had hoped the dogs would be best friends, but that has not happened.  They both have such sweet temperaments- with people.  

There were some moments when they tolerated each other, but there were a few episodes of growling, baring of teeth, and snapping.  There was even a tiny amount of blood shed.  Willie wants to be the alpha dog, and Henry is glad to let him.  

We followed all of the recommendations and introduced them in a neutral territory, on leashes.  We then let them roam in the back yard for a while before bringing them in the house.  This is after their first spat- they are getting treats and behaved very well. 

After their second spat, the girls held them.

We are not exactly certain what the triggers are.  For now we are mostly keeping them separated.  I feel so guilty.  Willie seems angry with me.

Earlier today, Michael and I were in Memphis and happened by this store.

We were curious so we went in.

The food is safe for human consumption, and all of the ingredients are natural and safe for dogs.  Oh, yes we did.  We bought two turkey leg shaped peanut butter flavored cookies for Willie B and Henry!

I am so thankful to spend time with family over Thanksgiving.  We did some shopping tonight with Christy and Chelsea.  Tomorrow we are going to Cooter, Missouri (yes, you read that correctly) to have dinner with Michael's family.  Michael is one of eight children, so it is always a good time when they all get together.  My mom is going with us and I cannot wait.  

Saturday we are taking my mom to Reelfoot Lake to eat fish and all the "fixins" for her birthday.  My aunt is coming too!

Chelsea gave me an early Christmas present. I have precious memories of quoting lines from this movie with my sister.

Listen to this beautiful anthem composed by Dr. Dan Musselman in celebration of the life of Union student Olivia Greenlee.  

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