Sunday, November 11, 2018

Something new

For I am about to do something new.
See, I have already begun!  Do you not see it?

Isaiah 43:19

I am not a blogger.  I am not tech savvy.  I am generally a private person.  I am writing this blog in hopes that it will help someone, just as I have been encouraged by the stories of other people on this journey.  I am also told it is good therapy.

Many years ago I was diagnosed with a rare lung disease caused by lupus, called bronchiolitis obliterans.  (I will write more about that later for those of you who like the gory details.)  I was told I had about three years to live, but God had plans for me!  I have been stable for a long time, but for the last nine months my lung function has been declining, and my lungs are not doing a great job of removing carbon dioxide.   Tomorrow morning I begin a week of tests and visits with specialists as the first step in my journey to a lung transplant.  God is doing something new in my life -which is why I chose the scripture from Isaiah.

Today we spent some time enjoying Nashville.  We ate lunch at the Lost Cajun in Hendersonville.  It was delicious!

       They give you a sample of the flavors to help you decide what to order. 

More samples, please.

The best part was the beignets!  By the time we finished there was powdered sugar everywhere!

We got to spend some time with our grand dog, Willie B.  He is a rescue dog and lives (yes, I said lives) to be petted.

So there you have it, my first attempt at blogging.  I will "fancy it up" --- just as soon as I learn how.  


  1. Praying for a process that returns you to full health.

  2. Love you Kelly! Beautiful words and I will continue to pray for this path and process God has prepared for you. I know many people but not many as Christ focused and truly dedicated to making Him famous. Much love. 1:3. <><

  3. Praying for you on this journey! If you need anything let us know.

  4. I keep you in my prayers always. You are such an inspiration to so many.

  5. Praying for you. Looking forward to reading about your journey. My Carson may have to have a lung transplant in his lifetime. Reading your journey Will be enlightening and inspiring.

  6. Someone shared your post on Facebook as a prayer request. Don't know if you remember me from SCORE in the DR. My husband Bob worked with your teams each year. Just wanted you to know I'll be praying for you. ~anna nilsen~

  7. Kelly, your faith and trust in GOD truly inspire me. Love you and continued prayers as you continue this journey to better health...

  8. I am enjoying your blog about your journey and what GOD is doing in your life.
